Monday, October 17, 2005

An Introduction To This Blog

Hi, if you've never stopped by this blog before, let me welcome you and tell you a bit about it.

I'm an erotic romance writer who is very interested in the world of publishing. I try to do a couple of articles a week on publishing trends, another couple on hints to writers and I usually take the weekends easy with short reviews or personal observations.

I moved my blog to this site about six weeks ago. You might want to check the following dates if these subjects are of interest to you:

10/14 The Books on My Reference Shelf
10/8 Are You Targeting Your Efforts?
10/4 What Do You Do After the Book is Written?
9/30 Podcasting
9/27 Manga
9/20 What the Hell is POD?
9/17 The Future of Independent Bookstores
9/15 What are All Those Japanese Doing With Their Cell Phones?

In addition, in October, I began a series on cultural change on the Internet. The series focuses on the differences between an open source approach and a closed source approach by looking at two companies where the cultures are radically different: Google and Microsoft. These are the blogs thus far in the series:

10/1 The Coming Cultural Clash
10/5 The Cathedral and the Bazaar
10/6 Google vs. Microsoft
10/13 Everyone Wants to Take AOL to the Dance

Enjoy! Feel free to email me with comments at



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