Friday, July 20, 2007

RWA Board Re-Thinking Its Position

A little bird emailed me yesterday to say that the RWA Board has decided to revisit its proposed definition of a subsidy or vanity publisher.

I talked about the problems with the proposed definition here.

I really applaud RWA for taking another look at this issue. I suspect it will be some time before we see the revision. That's okay. Just knowing they are willing to reconsider it is enough for now.

Read on for today's third post. Yes, I was having trouble sleeping last night. I kept thinking of plot twists for Blair's story and, of course, I had to work them through to their logical conclusions.

1 comment:

Mitzi said...

Best news I've heard all week!
I would hope that in the future RWA's BoD will make sure their definitions are clearer.
