Thursday, November 06, 2008

One More Time

Sorry to be AWOL for a bit. Some of you will recall that I warned it might happen periodically. This having two full-time careers (writing and my university job) sometimes gets a bit overwhelming.

I’m back, and tomorrow we will get back to normal.

For today, I want to point you toward an editorial written by Tom Friedman--yes, he who believes in a flat world. I will start you off here--
And so it came to pass that on Nov. 4, 2008, shortly after 11 p.m. Eastern time, the American Civil War ended, as a black man — Barack Hussein Obama — won enough electoral votes to become president of the United States.

A civil war that, in many ways, began at Bull Run, Virginia, on July 21, 1861, ended 147 years later via a ballot box in the very same state. For nothing more symbolically illustrated the final chapter of America’s Civil War than the fact that the Commonwealth of Virginia — the state that once exalted slavery and whose secession from the Union in 1861 gave the Confederacy both strategic weight and its commanding general — voted Democratic, thus assuring that Barack Obama would become the 44th president of the United States.

This moment was necessary, for despite a century of civil rights legislation, judicial interventions and social activism — despite Brown v. Board of Education, Martin Luther King’s I-have-a-dream crusade and the 1964 Civil Rights Act — the Civil War could never truly be said to have ended until America’s white majority actually elected an African-American as president.

That is what happened Tuesday night and that is why we awake this morning to a different country. The struggle for equal rights is far from over, but we start afresh now from a whole new baseline. Let every child and every citizen and every new immigrant know that from this day forward everything really is possible in America.

How did Obama pull it off?
To finish the editorial, go here.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Such a thought provoking analysis. Indeed, I agree with many of this author's sentiments; I admit that part of my decision in voting for president rested on my children, the future generation.

Thanks for sharing.