Saturday, June 02, 2007

More On Simon & Schuster

I wandered over to the Publishers Marketplace website to see what they had to say about Book Expo America (BEA) going on in New York right now.

Imagine my surprise to find this little tidbit:

S&S Apologizes; Revises Position on Reversion
The Authors Guild says that Simon & Schuster executives apologized for "any early miscommunication" about the reversion of rights, citing the Association of Authors' Representatives as their source.

The AAR reports that the publisher "is willing to negotiate a 'revenue-based threshold'" to determine whether a book is considered in-print.Spokesman Adam Rothberg confirms that the house is having conversations with agents about setting a minimum level of total annual earnings for a book from all sources, trying to anticipate continuing change in how books produce revenue and remain active in a more technology-driven world.

Apparently S&S is re-thinking its stand on reversion of rights. About time.

Read on. This is a two-post day.

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