Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Agents Differ On Google Settlement

While I'm on the subject of my favorite agent bloggers, there was another kerfuffle (don't you just love that word?) in the blogosphere yesterday.

Janet Reid, Agent Extraordinaire from FinePrint Literary Management, took on fellow agent Lynn Chu of Writers Representatives.

Chu's position is that Google and its book settlement is a ripoff for authors. Her opinion can be found here on the op/ed page of Saturday's Wall Street Journal.

Janet's opinion differs and is more in line with that of the Author's Guild. Her counterargument can be found here.

I actually have a third opinion, and I'll talk about that in tomorrow's post. I'm in training today on yet another computer application and need to scoot to arrive for a freaking 8:00 AM kickoff. While I'm usually up by 5:30 AM, I NEVER go anywhere before 9:00, and this is messing with my circadian rhythms something fierce.

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