Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Nice Way To Start The Day

I've been experiencing even more traffic to my blog. Finally realized this morning that my blog was listed on Squidoo as one of the "Best Writing Blogs."

Here's the link:

Thanks to Kimberly Dawn Wells for the article and the compliment.

Energized by that tip of the hat and three slices of bacon for breakfast (protein, ya know), I decided to take on a task I've been avoiding: the links on this blog.

I have a confession. I'm three steps removed from being a Luddite. While I'm absolutely in favor of technological change, it's like that quote about sausage: I like the result, but don't want to see how it's made.

Last year, when I started the blog, I figured out how to set up the blog and to add links and was happy just to be able to do those things. For some months, I've wanted to separate the links into categories, but was reluctant to actually take the time to work out how to do it.

This morning, I decided to give it a shot. It seemed churlish that others are linking to my blog, and I'm not returning the favor. But I wanted to break those links into the appropriate categories.

You'll see the results to the right. As you can tell, I figured out the process, but I have a lot of work yet to do. Haven't got the font and size thing down either. My brain can only handle so much at one sitting.

One of these days, I'll work up the energy to address the aesthetics.

Have a nice Sunday.

1 comment:

Kimberly Dawn Wells said...

Hi Maya! Glad I could help. I love reading your thoughts. ;) Have a great Labor Day Weekend.