Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Super-Agent-Blogger Nathan Bransford gave my book a shout-out in his blog today here. I was stunned.

That's right up there with my realizing that Lauren Dellisanti made my book the subject of her very first post in the blogosphere here.

Thank you, both. You make me feel so blessed.


Margaret M. Fisk said...

I stopped by to tell you Bad Girl arrived safely and to catch up on posts. Wow, you're having a busy time of it lately. Congrats on the mentions. May they expand awareness and bring you many sales :D.

And that Supreme Court video was scary...in a funny way :).


Maya Reynolds said...

Thanks, Margaret. Hope you'll enjoy it.

I rode back on the plane tonight with an officer just back from Iraq and a government worker. We talked for quite a while.

I reiterated my stance that, despite being a lifelong Republican, I will vote Democrat next fall simply because of the Supreme Court issue.

To my surprise, both of my companions--whom conventional wisdom would suggest should vote Republican--said they would also vote for the Democrat's candidate.

We'll see.