Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Visiting the Smart Bitches

Yesterday, we talked about the lawsuit Mindy Chase Lapine brought against Jessica Seinfeld. The Smoking Gun now has the court documents available for review here.

Since I'm trying to upgrade this blog and am considering writing posts with a theme, check out the blog here for the Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Books. Scroll down to the Monday post titled "Cassie Edwards Investigatory Extravaganza: The First Post."

SB Candy and her friend Kate spent Saturday googling erudite phrases from romance novelist Cassie Edwards' books. Turns out they found a fair number of what they describe as "Startling and Eerie Similarities between these Cassie Edwards' novels and certain texts published prior to the Edwards books."

Draw your own conclusions.

1 comment:

Chris Eldin said...

I saw this on Bernita Harris' blog.
'startling similarities' is an understatement. The words *were the same!*